Technical Data
23GB (Single Layer) 50GB (Dual Layer)
Disc Type Rewritable
Capacity 23.3GB 50GB
Recording Wavelength 405nm(Blue-Violet Laser)
Recording Method Phase Change Recording
Data Transfer Rate 86 Mbps with 1 Optical Head, 172 Mbps with 2 Optical Head
Track Pitch 0.32µm
Erase / Write Read Cycles Over 1,000 times
No. of Read Over 1,000,000 times
Raw Byte Error Rate 0.0002
Estimated Shelf Life 50 years or more
Estimated Archival Life 50 years or more
Operating Condition -5 to 55°C , 3 to 90% RH
Storage Condition -10 to 55°C , 3 to 90% RH
Disc Diameter 120mm
Disc Thickness 1.2mm
Cover Layer Thickness 0.1mm
Cartridge Dimensions 128.6mm x 130.6mm x 9.1mm